
Viennese Music Tour 维也纳音乐之旅

http://www.cnair.com 2018-04-09 14:16:02 来源:淄博信息港

  1.Tour fee includes团费包括

  - Economy class air ticket, airport tax, security charges and fuel surcharge 经济舱机票、机场税、保安费及燃油附加费(HKG/BEK/SHA-VIE 香港/北京/上海往返维也纳)

  - Accommodation 住宿(2-4 pax/room 人房)

  - Three meals each day (except stated otherwise) 每日三餐 (注明者除外)

  - Music Academy 音乐营

  - Concert ticket and entrance fees 音乐会门票及观光地点入场费

  - Air-conditioned coach for transfer 空调旅游车

  - Travel insurance 旅游保险

  2. Tour fee does NOT include 团费不包括

  - Tips for local guides and driver in Austria 奥地导游及司机费

  - Visa fee & travel document application fee 旅游证件及入境签证费

  - Excess luggage charges 超額行李费

  - Personal expenses, including but not limited to medical, laundry, long distance call and internet 个人支出,如:医疗、洗衣、长途电话及上网

  3. Quotation is based on the rates of March 2018 assuming the enrolment of 30 participants. Tour fee subjects to adjustment for peak season loading, currency fluctuation and number of participants up to 9-12%. 此乃2018年3月以30名参加者为基础所订之报 价。实际收费视乎报名时旺季附加费、汇率浮动及参加者人数,或有9-12%調整。


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