

http://www.cnair.com 2024-10-17 15:18:25 来源:航空旅游网
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  Dr. Timothy Kendall, Consul General of Australia in Guangzhou.


  Ms. Lauren Gilbert, Trade and Investment Commissioner, Guangzhou


  Mr. Kevin Zhang, CEO of Argyle Hotels Group


  Mr. Gray Ji, COO of Argyle Hotels Group

  10月16日,澳大利亚驻广州总领事康天慕博士 (Dr. Timothy Kendall) 、澳大利亚驻广州总领事馆商务领事李劳伦女士 (Ms. Lauren Gilbert) 到访雅阁酒店集团广州总部 (IFC),考察广州珠江新城澳斯特精选酒店,与雅阁酒店集团CEO张黎明先生、雅阁酒店集团COO冀宏军先生就雅阁酒店集团在华业务发展、中澳双边关系进行深度交流。

  On October 16th, Dr. Timothy Kendall, Consul General of Australia in Guangzhou, and Ms. Lauren Gilbert, Trade and Investment Commissioner, held a meeting with Mr. Kevin Zhang, CEO of Argyle Hotels Group, and Mr. Gray Ji, COO of Argyle Hotels Group. They had in-depth exchanges on the development of AHG in China and bilateral relations between China and Australia.

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  此次会晤,澳大利亚驻广州总领事康天慕博士(Dr. Timothy Kendall)表示,中澳两国关系日益向好,非常欣喜地看到雅阁酒店集团在华及全球的快速发展,未来将积极支持雅阁酒店集团的业务开展,将澳大利亚文化展现给中国游客,也将澳大利亚优秀的管理水平深入传播到中国市场。

  During the meeting, Dr. Timothy Kendall, Consul General of Australia in Guangzhou, highlighted the improving relationship between China and Australia and expressed his pleasure at witnessing the rapid growth of Argyle Hotels Group both in China and globally.

  Dr. Timothy Kendall emphasized his commitment to actively supporting the continued business development of Argyle Hotels Group in China. He noted that in the future, Argyle Hotels Group can further promote Australian culture to Chinese tourists while showcasing Australia’s high standards of management to the Chinese market.

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  商务领事李劳伦女士(Ms Lauren Gilbert)表示,对雅阁酒店集团目前在华发展成绩表示赞赏,高度认可雅阁酒店集团团队给澳大利亚在华同行发展所展现的榜样力量。

  Ms. Lauren Gilbert, Trade and Investment Commissioner in Guangzhou, also praised the achievements of Argyle Hotels Group in China. She commended the Argyle team for exemplifying the success of Australia’s service industry within the Chinese market.

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  This marks a significant step in Argyle Hotels Group’s efforts to expand its presence in the global hospitality industry. As a leading representative of Australia’s service industry, Argyle Hotels Group has been dedicated to promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and Australia.

  The Group’s successful integration of Australian hospitality in the Chinese market has earned high praise from both the Australian government and business community. In recognition of this achievement, the Australian government has committed to closely monitoring the future growth of Argyle Hotels Group in China and will continue to offer strong support.


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